Use cases

Firm wide solutions

Use cases

Real estate law icon

Property Work

Keep your client up to date without them having to call you. With the portal or mobile app your client can have access to a range of documents and receive push notifications to their mobile device – keeping them up to date in real time.


Allow brokers and property developers to see all cases you are handling on their behalf and incorporate your existing workflow investment to improve client experience.

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Pound chargeback on hand icon

Debt recovery

Connect your debtor to their balance, enable them to see updates and documents, and track their outstanding balance. Corporate clients can be equipped with their own dashboard for their referred cases, an API and/or a form to send instructions, and the ability to message your firm directly from their portal. No matter the case or worker, all cases can be connected to your existing workflow.

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Law icon

In-house legal

Create a new front of office solution tying data from various backend systems together and provide key decision makers with the overview they need across all files. A seamless single point of contact solution, which provides a space to triage work before sending it on to the dedicated team or handler.

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Accident and injuries icon

Personal injury

Allow a single point of contact for all parties on a case, including experts, clients, claimants, and insurers – with you choosing who can see and access files, documents, and more.

Share documents icon

Share documents, updates, and key milestones, and case plans.

Login icon

Single login, single process, and different views tailored to a party’s needs.

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Two people with arrows icon

Private client

What may be a routine transaction to you, may be stressful for your client - give them a secure digital ‘wallet’ of all your interactions and documents ensuring they are first point of contact whenever they need you.

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Buildings with arrows icon

Commercial clients

B2B transactions require all parties to stay updated and with our portal, you can share docs and updates reducing inbounds calls and forming a central collaboration point for each case. Customise their landing page to give a bespoke dashboard just for key accounts.

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Let's work together

We have been working with clients for over 10 years to deliver bespoke portal and app-based solutions – see what we can do for you!

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